Chimaira guitar, bass, and drum tabs
Here is a list of guitar, bass, and drum tabs for pieces by Chimaira
Army Of Me
- Guitar tab by ifyoura555ima666; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by foot13; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by userpays; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by bcwarlock10; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by jimrootrules2003; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by MazMan; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by kemira; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by iowa515maggot; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Dead Inside
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Meegz1120; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by shanekrause; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by dorzalboy; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by ifyoure555thenim666; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by Meegz1120; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: Unrated.
Down Again
- Guitar tab by jimrootrules2003; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by shutupflanders; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by shinebox9; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by anarki666; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by Kormos; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by guitaroojoe; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by chem2x; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by lysis; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by MazMan; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ireallysuckatbass; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by robocock; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by kemira; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by xxixamxyouxx; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by CradleOfFilthDrummer666; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by vezy; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Skullgrind; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Everything You Love
- Guitar tab by thrownawayleftfordead; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Eyes Of A Criminal
- Guitar tab by swfett; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Fascination Street
- Guitar tab by 6Metal6Head6; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by bineryguitars; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Forced Life
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by c0z420; Rating: Unrated.
Implements Of Destruction
- Guitar tab by swfett; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by PTWguitarguy; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by MazMan; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Inside The Horror
- Guitar tab by thrownawayleftfordead; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by thrownawayleftfordead; Rating: ; 3.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Lend A Hand
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Let Go
- Guitar tab by cradleoffilth1437; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by soulroot; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Nothimg Remains
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Nothing Remains
- Guitar tab by thrownawayleftfordead; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by evangelion04; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Drums tab by melodymaster85; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Drums tab by 3xtacY; Rating: Unrated.
Painting The White To Grey
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by DeftonesINoneEar; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by soad0069; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by thepastymaster; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Pass Out Of Existance
- Guitar tab by waitandbleed8987; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Pictures In The Gold Room
- Guitar tab by illninofr3ak; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by soadiscoo23; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: Unrated.
Power Trip
- Guitar tab by c0z420; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by Skullgrind; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by jimrootrules2003; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Sticky182; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by wookie606; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by c0z420; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by MazMan; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by kemira; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Pure Hatred
- Guitar tab by AllThatRemains0388; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by jimrootrules2003; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by chem2x; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by MazMan; Rating: ; 3.2 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by donniedarko28064212; Rating: ; 3.29 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Drums tab by stangman85; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Raining Blood
- Guitar tab by waitandbleed8987; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Refuse To See
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by foot13; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by crystalinedemise; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by thrownawayleftfordead; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Drums tab by stangman85; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Save Ourselves
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Meegz1120; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by cradleoffilth1437; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by mariful97; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by kemira; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Slayer Cover Raining Blood
- Guitar tab by luzza; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Meegz1120; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by chem2x; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by zZZooMZz; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Taste My...
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
The Dehumanizing Process
- Guitar tab by soadiscoo23; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by shaggyd133; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by kemira; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
The Impossibility Of Reason
- Guitar tab by soadiscoo23; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by lambuvgod; Rating: Unrated.
This Present Darkness
- Guitar tab by elemenohpe; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by Ziggy; Rating: Unrated.
Sp Lit(5-string)
- Bass tab by SlappinBaSSPlayer4; Rating: Unrated.
Taste My
- Bass tab by dehumanize; Rating: Unrated.
Sp Lit
- Drums tab by xxixamxyouxx; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by Lethal Dosage 50; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by Lethal Dosage 50; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Bass tab by titodakilla65; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by titodakilla65; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Army Of Me