Trivium guitar, bass, and drum tabs
Here is a list of guitar, bass, and drum tabs for pieces by Trivium
A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by digglehorses; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 11 times.
- Guitar tab by AGADKTDA; Rating: ; 4.69 out of 5. Rated 16 times.
- Guitar tab by dafro; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by AGunshotToTheHeadOfTrivium; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Thackerson; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by maidenhead1980; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by kingnothing20002000; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by larry897; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Bass tab by tay76; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by metahead2109; Rating: ; 3.42 out of 5. Rated 26 times.
- Drums tab by 3xtacY; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Drums tab by 0 TaylorBear 0; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Blinding Tears Will Break The Skies
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Drowned And Torn Asunder
- Guitar tab by walden1570; Rating: ; 4.63 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Guitar tab by triviallica; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by gregedmx; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
Dying In Your Arms
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.68 out of 5. Rated 88 times.
- Guitar tab by triviallica; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Thackerson; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by duality87; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by gjo20; Rating: ; 4.58 out of 5. Rated 19 times.
- Bass tab by Sillich; Rating: ; 4.25 out of 5. Rated 12 times.
- Drums tab by metahead2109; Rating: ; 4.21 out of 5. Rated 80 times.
- Ember To Inferno
Falling To Grey
- Guitar tab by mrnyak; Rating: ; 2.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by metalhead9195; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by mrnyak; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by Jynxy; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
If I Could Collapse The Masses
- Guitar tab by mrnyak; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
Like Light To The Flies
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.56 out of 5. Rated 16 times.
- Guitar tab by purplechickens; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by devilsuncle; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by suidakra; Rating: Unrated.
Like Light To The Flies- Demo
- Guitar tab by TheFranMan; Rating: ; 4.63 out of 5. Rated 19 times.
Like Light To The Flies (demo)
- Guitar tab by Feleray; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Like Light To The Flies (live)
- Guitar tab by SkateTillDeath; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
My Hatred
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Pillars Of The Serpants
- Guitar tab by nellistmaggot; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Pull Harder On The Strings
- Guitar tab by craig666; Rating: ; 3.4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by bcwarlock10; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by Jynxy; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by mikem193; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by misingbassplayer; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by britishpunkrocker; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Pull Harder
- Guitar tab by rhanco2; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by willkt6; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by triviumbadass; Rating: ; 4.13 out of 5. Rated 15 times.
Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Marty
- Guitar tab by digglehorses; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by SocialSociety; Rating: ; 4.4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by stonedboi; Rating: ; 3.64 out of 5. Rated 22 times.
- Guitar tab by nellistmaggot; Rating: ; 4.08 out of 5. Rated 12 times.
- Guitar tab by rhanco2; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by mikem193; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by metahead2109; Rating: ; 3.81 out of 5. Rated 16 times.
- Guitar tab by mike1221; Rating: ; 4.25 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by mrnyak; Rating: ; 2.93 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
Shred Like Me Lick
- Guitar tab by ibanezeric82; Rating: Unrated.
Suffocating Sight
- Guitar tab by rhanco2; Rating: ; 3.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
The Decieved
- Guitar tab by rhanco2; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
The End Of Everything
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
To Burn The Eye
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- A Gunshot To The Head Of Trep
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Like Light To Flies
Pillars Of Serpents
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr
- Drums tab by metahead2109; Rating: ; 3.36 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- Drums tab by federal_1066; Rating: ; 4.06 out of 5. Rated 17 times.
- Drums tab by psychobirch; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
Anthem (we Are The Fire)
- Bass tab by metaldrummer94; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by metaldrummer94; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
The Crusade
- Guitar tab by area51; Rating: ; 4.09 out of 5. Rated 11 times.
- Drums tab by 3xtacY; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
Becoming The Dragon
- Guitar tab by area51; Rating: ; 4.91 out of 5. Rated 11 times.
- Drums tab by psychobirch; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Master Of Puppets
- Guitar tab by area51; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 12 times.
- Drums tab by JakobeD; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 15 times.
Dying In Your Arms (rhythm)
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Entrance Of The Conflagration
To The Rats
- Drums tab by psychobirch; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Tread The Floods
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1.29 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- Drums tab by psychobirch; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Into The Mouth Of Hell We March
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 3.44 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 12 times.
Poison, The Knife Or The Noose
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 4.57 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
Upon The Shores
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
Like Callisto To A Star In Heaven
- Guitar tab by Silverchiken; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 18 times.
Kirisute Gomen
- Drums tab by psychobirch; Rating: ; 3.53 out of 5. Rated 15 times.
Anthem (We Are The Fire)
- Drums tab by psychobirch; Rating: ; 3.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 4.43 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- In Waves
- Throes Of Perdition
Shattering The Skies Above
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Watch The World Burn
- Guitar tab by bigjimbo46; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation
Caustic Are The Ties That Bind
- Guitar tab by RZRBACK_DAN; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Caustic Are The Ties That Bind