Weezer guitar, bass, and drum tabs
Here is a list of guitar, bass, and drum tabs for pieces by Weezer
Across The Sea
- Guitar tab by sabaean5757; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by Chunnks; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by dfxcvbnm; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by kikin; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
American Gigolo
- Guitar tab by foundnewglory2001; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Elscorcho314; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by hippo34; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by VladX; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Baby One More Time
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Bevearly Hills (guitar World Verison)
- Guitar tab by guitarcrazy33; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Beverly Hills Acustic
- Guitar tab by mohawk204; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Beverly Hills
- Guitar tab by sammypnkrck; Rating: ; 4.68 out of 5. Rated 66 times.
- Guitar tab by newbilliejoe49; Rating: ; 4.25 out of 5. Rated 16 times.
- Guitar tab by shredmachine11; Rating: ; 4.25 out of 5. Rated 40 times.
- Guitar tab by LiLzAcK24; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by fscracer92; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.43 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Sk8boardrPunk13; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by SPEED_PICK!; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by <img src="/images/star.gif"><img src="/images/star.gif">; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by JonoGoodwin; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Bass tab by nicjt321; Rating: ; 4.04 out of 5. Rated 24 times.
- Bass tab by lennen; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by junkiebassist; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by Smack; Rating: ; 4.24 out of 5. Rated 58 times.
- Drums tab by Gookdrumer; Rating: ; 3.79 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by Downbeach; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Beverly Hills (acoustic)
- Guitar tab by americanidiot07; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Beverly Hills(1/2 Step Tuning)
- Guitar tab by nascar9freak; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Blast Off
- Guitar tab by andrewthegreat; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Brightening Day
- Guitar tab by jeffman09; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Buddy Holly
- Guitar tab by squirrel-monkey; Rating: ; 4.96 out of 5. Rated 23 times.
- Guitar tab by fawlty182; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.2 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by mark-182-; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by jakejh92; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 3.2 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by p0w3rman5ooo; Rating: ; 4.38 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ElDisturboIsGod; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by derekbobo; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by squares; Rating: ; 1.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by fiend698; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bizzyc41; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by EndlessFill77; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Drums tab by skemo_0; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 24 times.
- Drums tab by KoolKid; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by hotbuns1228; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by Ripoll; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by alternative32drummer; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Burndt Jamb
- Guitar tab by a1rsauce; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by weezergeezer12; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by 4LS; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by Stratkid05; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Tobieatworld; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by mcsourmonkey; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by Arsenik; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by grinspoonpunk; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by jaronthebassist; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by bobdown; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by punk154; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 18 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by rancidman13; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by fatmatt182; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by paintballby246; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by moeramone; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Jackofspades; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Christmas Celebration
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by EricReyes; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by kikin; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bassgirl23; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by thrsdysavestheday; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Damage In Your Heart
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Death And Destruction
- Guitar tab by Jaunty; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by SPITS; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by jeffman09; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Do You Want Me To Stay
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Don't Let Go
- Guitar tab by dexterhollandc; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by rancidman13; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Lamplitr21; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by InadaysGuitarist; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by rockisnotdead41; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Dope Nose
- Guitar tab by Icex999; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by wresilo; Rating: ; 4.13 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by weezerbassplayer711; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by EADG; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by mikeop45; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by m0ses; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by drumchicksemailme; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by jedidante; Rating: Unrated.
Dukes Of Hazzard
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
El Scorcho
- Guitar tab by rockstar13579; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by PyRoMaNiaK182; Rating: ; 4.2 out of 5. Rated 15 times.
- Guitar tab by soadallica; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by LobesMcChunks; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by kurtcobain420; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by yankeesboy456; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by JamminMan; Rating: ; 3.7 out of 5. Rated 10 times.
- Bass tab by endorocket; Rating: ; 3.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.79 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2.17 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
Fall Together
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by cuomopagegrnwood; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by SPITS; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by Weezer316; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by traysi255; Rating: Unrated.
Falling For You
- Guitar tab by tooliscrowned; Rating: ; 4.43 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Guitar tab by joeytrib3; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by 3cardmonty; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Freak Me Out
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by Maddenman2000; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by andrewthegreat; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by Whatsername13; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by xjjx410; Rating: Unrated.
Glorious Day
- Guitar tab by killer; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by weezmachtbassist; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by illskill90; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Grudge Song
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Hash Pipe
- Guitar tab by Blink_boy; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.71 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- Guitar tab by alphawolfie06; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by holdthephone; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by chinotabber; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by VitoG007; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by IcemanP13; Rating: ; 4.78 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by wethepeopleoftheunitedstates; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by ballzosteel; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by valmour; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by lordhelmet; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by seanlynch; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by schitzophreniac; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by 4grf; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by aenemictool; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by DrunknMunkyz69; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by pearldrummer66; Rating: ; 4.1 out of 5. Rated 10 times.
- Drums tab by xxM6LCxx; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Hash pipe
- Guitar tab by kilriffs; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by Taylor12345; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
Haunt You Every Day
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Hold Me
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.78 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
- Guitar tab by 244; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Maddenman2000; Rating: ; 2.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elscorcho121; Rating: ; 3.8 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by qovneob; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elscorcho120; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by TheGebralter; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by MonsterMagnet311; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by claypool778; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
I Do
- Guitar tab by binmang; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by timbrie; Rating: Unrated.
I Swear It's True
- Guitar tab by cwbadger; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by ThursdaysWar; Rating: Unrated.
I Swear Its True
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by nicjt321; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
In The Garage
- Guitar tab by elscorcho120; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Guitar tab by guitarruler; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by joeytrib3; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by elscorcho121; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by hardrock52; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by forgot2; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by lethalhippo; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by jonasthenewsanchor; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by MonsterMagnet311; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by jay; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Drums tab by etnies; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by illskill90; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by arranradford; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by skemo_0; Rating: Unrated.
Island In The Sun
- Guitar tab by 00baileyt0099; Rating: ; 4.53 out of 5. Rated 43 times.
- Guitar tab by ColeAndrews2007; Rating: ; 4.68 out of 5. Rated 50 times.
- Guitar tab by spazmunky89; Rating: ; 4.52 out of 5. Rated 23 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.29 out of 5. Rated 17 times.
- Guitar tab by adema04; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by mstrymn; Rating: ; 4.4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by soundblaster360; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Guitar tab by weezer01; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by awkwardsilence; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 18 times.
- Bass tab by blink18281; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by bartman2500; Rating: ; 3.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by sockpuppet451; Rating: ; 3.14 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Bass tab by BassAssholexxx; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by PlantyThePunkPirate; Rating: ; 4.43 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Bass tab by masterfulbassist; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by jaronthebassist; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by weezerfanatic; Rating: ; 4.3 out of 5. Rated 27 times.
- Drums tab by fooman; Rating: ; 4.25 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Drums tab by illskill90; Rating: ; 2.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by Grievy; Rating: ; 4.2 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Drums tab by onlyademo; Rating: ; 1.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Drums tab by cambria21; Rating: ; 3.42 out of 5. Rated 12 times.
- Drums tab by TreMitchell14; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Island In the Sun
- Guitar tab by AddictedToNothing; Rating: ; 4.3 out of 5. Rated 10 times.
- Guitar tab by tion; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by robertpaulsen13; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by traysi255; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by WeizmasterZero; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by mikexpx; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Keep Fishin'
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by mscman6; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Keep Fishin
- Guitar tab by 244; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by j0le001; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by joeytrib3; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by toodrunktobepunk; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by irish8722; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by j0le001; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by Redhotchilifan627; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by bassmax009; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by X1039; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by glssjwTx; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by BlinkerPunk; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by weezerfanatic; Rating: ; 3.25 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Drums tab by onlyademo; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
Keep Fishing
- Guitar tab by zoskyt; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Knock-Down Drag-Out
- Guitar tab by defanddisturbed; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by sethdigitydogg; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Knock-down Drag-Out
- Guitar tab by guitarrocks; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by flippedoff264; Rating: Unrated.
Last Call
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
Living Without You
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Love Explosion
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by palmer2003; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by BrianA15; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Mansion Of Cardboard
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Mo Beats
- Guitar tab by tooliscrowned; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
My Best Friend
- Guitar tab by beastbass101; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by streetlightmanifestorocks; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
My Brain
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
My Evaline
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2.25 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
My Name Is Jonas
- Guitar tab by elscorcho121; Rating: ; 4.46 out of 5. Rated 35 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.41 out of 5. Rated 79 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.05 out of 5. Rated 19 times.
- Guitar tab by amishburrito; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Steve22; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by guitarplyrinhell; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by MikeyE; Rating: ; 3.25 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by saltshaker127; Rating: ; 4.54 out of 5. Rated 26 times.
- Bass tab by weezerbass32; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Bass tab by welshbassiswithatitude; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by blinkbass88; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by surfersucka; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Drums tab by cambria21; Rating: ; 3.44 out of 5. Rated 16 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 4.43 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
Mykel And Carli
- Guitar tab by Maddenman2000; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by myhellohand; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by weezmachtbassist; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by thejimmycapsbassguy; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by cwbadger; Rating: Unrated.
No One Else
- Guitar tab by sxerik; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by bushidoWHH; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by nachocheese; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by americanenglish; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Whatsername13; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by Acedawg; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by skaterguy147; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by MonsterMagnet311; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by paulgolik; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
No Other One
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by nicjt321; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by sacanadaweb; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Now Is The Time
- Guitar tab by XMyNameIsJonasX; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
O Girlfriend
- Guitar tab by foundnewglory2001; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by WeizmasterZero; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
O Lisa
- Guitar tab by moeramone; Rating: Unrated.
Oh No This Is Not For Me
- Guitar tab by 244; Rating: Unrated.
Only In Dreams
- Guitar tab by SayItAintSo526; Rating: ; 4.07 out of 5. Rated 14 times.
- Guitar tab by popeye; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by Sanarphy_chick; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by nicko14; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by LeeH10; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by mikexpx; Rating: ; 4.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by nezbit; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by VladX; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by Maddenman2000; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by jaronthebassist; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by paulgolik; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
Pardon Me
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by cwbadger; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Audun; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by eenqbus2012; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by kikin; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Perfect Situation
- Guitar tab by pileofpooyosniggly; Rating: ; 4.56 out of 5. Rated 34 times.
- Guitar tab by alistair3408; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by rocker101; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: ; 3.89 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
- Guitar tab by steidl705; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by punk154; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by joker89; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by rancidman13; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by sharkticon; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by joker89; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by mmhmm; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by donmarten; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by DrummerTravis182; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by withthelightsout94; Rating: Unrated.
Pink Triangle
- Guitar tab by Dont4getmyname; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by blink182fanz; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by Whatsername13; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by jay; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Pinkerton Album
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by fenderstrat; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Say It Aint So
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.65 out of 5. Rated 23 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.92 out of 5. Rated 13 times.
- Guitar tab by lalawowo; Rating: ; 3.54 out of 5. Rated 37 times.
- Guitar tab by soadallica; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by weezerdude22; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by SPARTAbus; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by mushroomcloud985; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by Vipermangtx; Rating: ; 3.36 out of 5. Rated 11 times.
- Bass tab by panchoG; Rating: ; 4.38 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Bass tab by mikexpx; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by AlanTheWise; Rating: ; 4.17 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by nezbo; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by DrunknMunkyz69; Rating: ; 4.78 out of 5. Rated 37 times.
- Drums tab by skemo_0; Rating: ; 4.44 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
- Drums tab by Slap_Pluck_Slap; Rating: ; 4.53 out of 5. Rated 19 times.
Say It Ain So
- Guitar tab by sagging91; Rating: ; 3.86 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
Simple Pages
- Guitar tab by jeffman09; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by iknowflea; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by radical1985; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by ilcp; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by brettimus; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by disfits; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by onlyademo; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by weezerfanatic; Rating: Unrated.
- Smile
Space Rock
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by palmer2003; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by eeyorethedonk; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by fawlty182; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Surf Wax America
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by sabaean5757; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by patkelly; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by guitarplyrinhell; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by jhill; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 2.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by bizzyc41; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Surfwax America
- Guitar tab by antifloydvana; Rating: ; 3.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by nave; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by weezeristhebest; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by miketheotherskater; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by accuratetabs; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Sweater Song
- Guitar tab by ledzepfan360; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by apu98; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Take Control
- Guitar tab by SPITS; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by blinkfan4evr54; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by palmer2003; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by traysi255; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Teenage Victory Song
- Guitar tab by moeramone; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by UHbassist; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
The Blue Album
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by fenderstrat; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
The Christmas Song
- Guitar tab by andrewthegreat; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by sacanadaweb; Rating: Unrated.
The Damage In Your Heart
- Guitar tab by arnoldrocksalot; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by rage13; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
The Dawn
- Guitar tab by steidl705; Rating: Unrated.
The Good Life
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.25 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by fawlty182; Rating: ; 2.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by sk8nazn; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by burndttoast; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2.4 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.17 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
The Sweater Song
- Guitar tab by yourmom321; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by mjisgay; Rating: ; 4.88 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Guitar tab by guitarplyrinhell; Rating: ; 3.8 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by redhotjimiweezers; Rating: ; 4.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by dunkaroo24; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
The World Has Turned And Left Me Here
- Guitar tab by elscorcho121; Rating: ; 3.75 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Guitar tab by squirrel-monkey; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by tangerine4am; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by TheHydroponic311; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by traysi255; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by jay; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
This Is Such A Pity
- Guitar tab by ameliadamnit; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by mariotrev; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by stubob; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by pmpromeoo303; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by rage13; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by nicjt321; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by stephen6bass; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by bass guy; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Tired Of Sex
- Guitar tab by HardcoreToTheMax; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by GuitarBum68; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by dunomancer; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by Arsenik; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by artisticsnail; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by WeizmasterZero; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by weezerbass32; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by kiosk2081; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by pinkerton2; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by XsnobrdrX424; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by xxM6LCxx; Rating: Unrated.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by boxcaracer2241; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by GreendayJan13; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by thegreatestpunk; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Undone (sweater Song)
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4.83 out of 5. Rated 12 times.
Undone(the Sweater Song)
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.8 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Guitar tab by XMyNameIsJonasX; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
We Are All On Drugs
- Guitar tab by arnoldrocksalot; Rating: ; 4.17 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
- Guitar tab by eatapeach; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by Raider32; Rating: ; 4.29 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Slashssolos; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by TylerWalters32; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Bass tab by ThEbUrNoUt; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
- Bass tab by simardbrad; Rating: ; 3.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Bass tab by alteridiom; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by marilynmansonisourgod; Rating: ; 1.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by slammerhammer; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by mariocauchi; Rating: ; 3.8 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Who Cares
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
Why Bother
- Guitar tab by grinspoonpunk; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by ibanezsk8r405; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by Weezer789; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by MetalPunkBassist6; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Yellow Camaro
- Guitar tab by tooliscrowned; Rating: Unrated.
You Gave Your Love To Me Softly
- Guitar tab by def_foofighter; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by foofighter5; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by jay; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Better Off Alone
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
Beverly Hillls
- Bass tab by jonnytaylor05; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Green (album)
Island In The Sun (live)
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
Knock Down Drag Out
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Knockdown Dragout
- Bass tab by beastbass101; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Lullaby For Wayne
Mad Cow
- Bass tab by weezmachtbassist; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Modern Dukes
- Bass tab by weezerbassplayer711; Rating: Unrated.
My Name Isn_ Jonas
- Bass tab by TheGebralter; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
My Names Jonas
- Bass tab by redhotjimiweezers; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- O Girl Friend
Pinkerton (album)
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by palmer2003; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by crazyvasey; Rating: ; 2.33 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
Undone (The Sweater Song)
- Bass tab by jodler; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Bass tab by masterbasser521; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by yo; Rating: ; 4.43 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by emerica069; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Bass tab by MistahTom; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Drums tab by DrunknMunkyz69; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Drums tab by MatrixXHW; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 4 times.
- Drums tab by chasewilliams; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by JoePunk19; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by drummerpunk12; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Undone (the Sweater Song)
- Bass tab by kiethmoon; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 2.6 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Waiting On You
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
El Schorcho
- Drums tab by sumdumbdrummer; Rating: Unrated.
Everything About You
- Drums tab by tamahitter; Rating: Unrated.
Say It Ain't So
- Drums tab by ShirouKamui; Rating: ; 2 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Drums tab by LugDrum1; Rating: ; 3.08 out of 5. Rated 13 times.
- Drums tab by HighwayStar; Rating: ; 3.8 out of 5. Rated 10 times.
- Drums tab by jon_plays_drums; Rating: ; 4.89 out of 5. Rated 27 times.
- Drums tab by catspaw6; Rating: ; 4.44 out of 5. Rated 9 times.
- Drums tab by Whatang; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by Brooski; Rating: ; 4.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.63 out of 5. Rated 8 times.
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Bass tab by jaronthebassist; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
Say So
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 5 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Undone- The Sweater Song
- Drums tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3 out of 5. Rated 1 times.
Say It Ain`t So
- Drums tab by Helldrummer; Rating: ; 4.8 out of 5. Rated 5 times.
Island in the Sun
- Guitar tab by midgaphobia331; Rating: ; 4.5 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
- Guitar tab by unknown; Rating: ; 3.67 out of 5. Rated 3 times.
- Guitar tab by the ron; Rating: ; 4 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Pork And Beans
- Drums tab by zeelazyman; Rating: ; 3.05 out of 5. Rated 21 times.
- Drums tab by WeezerDrumer; Rating: ; 4.32 out of 5. Rated 69 times.
- Drums tab by chicken; Rating: ; 3.71 out of 5. Rated 7 times.
- Guitar tab by manoverboard; Rating: ; 4.03 out of 5. Rated 35 times.
- Guitar tab by drummer95; Rating: ; 4.38 out of 5. Rated 147 times.
- Guitar tab by TylerWalters32; Rating: ; 4.64 out of 5. Rated 56 times.
- Bass tab by markieg219; Rating: ; 1 out of 5. Rated 2 times.
Say It Ain't So (solo)
- Guitar tab by gibson; Rating: ; 3.35 out of 5. Rated 17 times.
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams
- Bass tab by unknown; Rating: Unrated.
- Drums tab by Slap_Pluck_Slap; Rating: ; 4.33 out of 5. Rated 6 times.
Across The Sea